27 January 2009

Just When The World Starts Making Some Progress..

Militia's in the countries of Africa hand over their captive child soldiers, Ecuador gives its' native species inalienable rights, President Obama takes the first steps toward a more energy efficient planet and then oil spills and kills hundreds of birds on Russia's shore.
The thing about this story is that the people responsible are not stepping up to take the necessary actions to rehabilitate the infected environment. The spill, in Aniva Bay on the south side of Sakhalin, Russia, took place six kilometers from the building of a major plant.
The Sakhalin II LNG plant {LNG stands for Liquefied Natural Gas} is, to be, the first of its kind in Russia. It will receive over an estimated 1,200 million barrels of crude oil and 500 billion Linkcubic meters of natural gas, treat it and then send it through a process, a highly complex process, to liquefy natural gas. Sakhalin II is of vital importance to Russia's present energy policy. A policy created in 2000 with a goal they hope to reach by 2020. The plan goes as follows: an increase in energy efficiency, reducing the impact on the global environment, sustainable energy development and technological development, as well as improved effectiveness and competitiveness.
Wind direction had linked the spill to an oil tanker on route to the LNG plant. However, a spokesperson for Sakhalin II Energy project, said that, "There had not been a single incident connected with the spill of oil products into the Aniva Bay."
Shareholders for the plant include Shell (of course), Mitsui and the Mitsubishi Corporation.
One other thing with to story is this: the oil spill is immobilizing sea birds and making them very intising for the Steller's Sea Eagle. And besides being a gorgeous creature, the eagle is the islands leading wildlife attraction and will definitely choke and die if it eats the oil slicked prey.
Not leaving it up to large, irresponsible companies, the citizens have taken control to clean up their environment. "..The local population are trying to rescue the birds that are still alive and wash them," Vladimir Bardin, the head of the Sakhalin diving centre, has said.
Go HERE {to the WWF site} to read more about the Stellar's Sea Eagle and see what an amazing bird it is and how devastating it would be to loose them.
To Read more about Russia's Energy Policy Go HERE.