24 March 2009

Avoid Conflict By Becoming Political

There was a major step towards world peace yesterday in Nord-Kivu, Africa when two major frenimies decided to shake hands and set up some ground rules for each other. The government of the Democratic Republic of Congo signed a peace deal with Tutsi rebels by making the National Congress for the Defense of the People (CNDP) a political party.

In this way, the 'former' rebels, must conduct business in a political way rather then attacking civilians or threatening the government.
Former President of Nigeria Olusegun Obasanjo congratulates saying, "..the culture of peace (was met) and not that of violence."
CNDP has agreed to release former members that are held captive, respect the institutional order of the Republic and to listen to the people of the local police force.
Goma is the regional capital of the Nord-Kivu region, which in 2008 was the scene of fierce clashes between the army and the rebels in which the CNDP made some major advances. The CNDP was previously led by renegade Tutsi general Laurent Nkunda but in January of this year its leader went over to another side. Since the disloyalty of the CNDP leadership and the arrest of Nkunda in Rwanda in January the situation in Nord-Kivu has stabilised. Africa News.