13 September 2010

Come Hell or High Water Or Potholes or Really Sharp Rocks

Photo Courtesy of Disarranged Reality
A ginormous drill, dubbed Plan C, arrived in Chile on Friday to help speed up efforts to rescue the 33 miners trapped 2300 ft below the surface. The drill named, 'RIG-422' is designed to drill oil wells and is operated by Canada's Precision Drilling Company.
Climbing up the rocky hillside on 42 (!) flatbeds, the drill was welcomed with an outcry of cheers and applause from the families and coworkers of the miners.
"These trucks are enormous," marveled Maria, sister of trapped miner Dario Segovia. "We were up all night here in the camp waiting for them."
The trucks are actually so large that the entrance to the mine needed to be widened in order for them pass.
A few of the trucks arrived with flattened tires and bent rims due to potholes and the sharp rocks they met along the way.
If all goes according to plan with this new drill, the Chilean rescuers will only have to drill down to 1958 ft shortening the excavation time to only two months!
The trapped miners received a message of support from 6 European Space Agency astronauts who have been living in isolation inside a mock spaceship in Moscow in an experiment to simulate a voyage to Mars. Their advice: "Stay busy, be careful with your health and keep a normal day-night schedule." Disaster Management