Nothing Gov. Schwarzenegger couldn't, hasn't delt with before.
As the firing inferno that is now southern Cali blazes on, Govenor of the year (a title I bestowed on him, you agree?), Arnold Schwarzenegger remaines optimistic and proud of his Californians stating:
"..Then when you think about it, I figured we're in state of emergency in the 7 counties and then we request it from the federal government and within a day, they came through."
-I had to watch the video several times to get Gov. Schwarzenegger's exact words. Its his thick accent + he's talking really fast. I still dont think I have it right but..
Even as the NBC News reporter points out the fact that if he had more resources available to him then he may be able fight the blaze more efficiently, Arnold replies back with, "Anyone who is complaining about the planes just wants to complain because thats a bunch of nonesense. The fact is that if all the planes in the world were here, we have 90 planes here and they cant fly because of the heavy wind conditions. ....Trust me, your looking for a mistake and you won't find it."
What I love most about the Govenors attitude is that he knows that he is up against one the largest firey infernos battles to hit Cali in history. He can also see, as the rest of the country does, the incredibly grueling task the firefighters took on and the amazing job they are doing at fighting these flames despite the horrible wind conditions. Californias' environment actually requires fire to clear the brush for new growth. So as devistating as these blazes look they are only really hurting the homeowner. Source.

"..Then when you think about it, I figured we're in state of emergency in the 7 counties and then we request it from the federal government and within a day, they came through."
-I had to watch the video several times to get Gov. Schwarzenegger's exact words. Its his thick accent + he's talking really fast. I still dont think I have it right but..
Even as the NBC News reporter points out the fact that if he had more resources available to him then he may be able fight the blaze more efficiently, Arnold replies back with, "Anyone who is complaining about the planes just wants to complain because thats a bunch of nonesense. The fact is that if all the planes in the world were here, we have 90 planes here and they cant fly because of the heavy wind conditions. ....Trust me, your looking for a mistake and you won't find it."
What I love most about the Govenors attitude is that he knows that he is up against one the largest firey infernos battles to hit Cali in history. He can also see, as the rest of the country does, the incredibly grueling task the firefighters took on and the amazing job they are doing at fighting these flames despite the horrible wind conditions. Californias' environment actually requires fire to clear the brush for new growth. So as devistating as these blazes look they are only really hurting the homeowner. Source.
Nice BLog :)
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