24 December 2007

Ho, Ho, oH Hell Yeah

Giving in to recent threats, Japan has announced that they will not continue with their efforts to hunt the vulnerable Humpback Whale for 'scientific research.' Although, the Humpback is just one species of whale on Japans' Government funded hunt.
Japans chief government spokesman, Nobutaka Machimura said in announcing the halt, “Whaling issues tend to become emotional, but we hope that the discussion will be carried out calmly on the basis of scientific evidence.”
But as the World is relieved of Japans announcement, Australia remains unfazed. In a statement by Foreign Minister Stephen Smith, “The Australian government welcomes the announcement by Japan that it will suspend its plan to kill humpback whales this season. While this is a welcome move, the Australian government strongly believes that there is no credible justification for the hunting of any whales.”
And Greenpeace agrees, “This is good news indeed, but it must be the first step towards ending all whaling in the Southern Ocean, not just one species for one season,” said Karli Thomas, who is leading a Greenpeace expedition to follow the Japanese whalers.
While I am grateful that the Humpbacks are safe this holiday season, I do feel just as concerned as Australia does. I would really appreciate it if any one of my readers can send me an E-Mail with the details of how killing over 1,000 whales will help us to further understand them. I mean, that is one act that we, the world, have been doing for over a century. The scientific research the world would now benefit from, would be the knowledge learned from the whales behavior while they're alive like where they go to mate, eating habits, migration paths & social interaction. Source.