"We have made tangible and remarkable progress on all these fronts. But we must do more," United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said in a message for World AIDS Day.
Check out how AIDS awareness is supported in our backyards:
In Albania, candles were lit in the shape of the AIDS ribbon after an AIDS awareness march:

According to the UN, there is currently an eight-billion-dollar shortfall in resources to fight AIDS.
Cuban physicians give out free medical advice on how to avoid transmitting AIDS:

US President George W. Bush marked the day by repeating his call on US lawmakers to double support for anti-AIDS programs to 30 billion dollars over five years.
A Bosnian activist paints a billboard promoting AIDS awareness in Sarajevo:

In Australia, campaigners warned that smugness after earlier success in fighting AIDS, risked giving rise to a new wave of infections.
Indian nursing students hold a candle to mark World AIDS Day in Amritsar:

Indonesia, which the UN says has Asia's fastest growing HIV epidemic, marked the day with the launch of its first national campaign to promote the use of condoms.
Rome was also handing out condoms.
And in Stockholm, bishops of the Protestant Church of Sweden called on religious leaders around the world to promote the use of them.
Chinese President Hu Jintao shakes hands with a female HIV carrier when visiting a local center for disease control and prevention in Chaoyang District in Beijing:
Rome was also handing out condoms.
And in Stockholm, bishops of the Protestant Church of Sweden called on religious leaders around the world to promote the use of them.
Chinese President Hu Jintao shakes hands with a female HIV carrier when visiting a local center for disease control and prevention in Chaoyang District in Beijing:

Elsewhere in China, UNAIDS and the China Red Cross Foundation have organised a "Great AIDS Walk" on the Great Wall for Sunday to raise awareness.
AIDS campaigners march in Abidjan:
There are now 33.2 million people living with HIV worldwide while one in three people with HIV are undiagnosed. Today not only demonstrated that everyone is well aware of the global crisis of AIDS but that we are all ready and willing to work together to overcome it. To read more about World AIDS Day and to see what you can do help fight AIDS any day of the year visit WorldAIDSDay.org. Source.
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