With a deforestation rate of nearly 1.5 million acres of primary forests a year (Source), Indonesia holds a serious threat to our worlds ever growing issue with climate change.
But Indonesia is now suffering the consequences of their destruction. Hasty deforestation of their forests, that include swamps, have made the country one of the worst emitters of greenhouse gases in the world. Deforestation has also been blamed for the series of floods and sudden landslides that have struck the nation in recent years.
And Indonesia is ready to do something about it.
But Indonesia is now suffering the consequences of their destruction. Hasty deforestation of their forests, that include swamps, have made the country one of the worst emitters of greenhouse gases in the world. Deforestation has also been blamed for the series of floods and sudden landslides that have struck the nation in recent years.
And Indonesia is ready to do something about it.

Media Indonesia quoted Yudhoyono: "The heads of provinces, districts and mayors should no longer irresponsibly issue permits." Yudhoyono has also ordered the province leaders to tighten monitoring and supervision of existing concessions and take action against violators.
All of this action comes as Indonesia prepares to host a UN climate change conference where countires will work for an agreement of the Kyoto Protocol in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Source.
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