28 November 2007

A New Heroes Ability: Cancer-Free

University of Kentucky researchers have bred a new supermouse to resist the development of cancerous tumors. This invincibility to cancer opens the door for safer, more effective cancer treatments.
"We are thinking of this as a holistic approach that not only would get rid of the tumour, but not harm the organism as a whole," stated Dr Vivek Rangnekar at the University of Kentucky.
Not only do the mice resist cancer but they are living longer. Plus every one of the genetically altered mice offspring are also resistant to cancer.
"Although at an early stage, research like this allows us to understand more about the faulty genes involved in cancer and throws open new avenues to explore for cancer treatment," said a spokesman for Cancer Research UK. "It's important to remember that this work has only been done using genetically engineered mice, and more research is needed before we'll know if it can be translated to humans."
Lets hope that it can. Source.